8866553 © Ben Goode | Dreamstime.com As I walk along the single lane road, yellow grass lining the banks each side, with a few hardy weeds, and trees still green, I notice the farmer ploughing the field. I know how dry the field is as the plough turns over 12” at a time, and the shade of colour is almost unchanged. A cloud surrounds the plough as its moving, even the seagulls are very few since the worms have dug deep to escape the dry soil. The farmer will struggle to sow seeds this year, without the rainfall to encourage the seeds to grow. But as every year, the farmer must keep to a schedule for the crops to be ready for harvesting. Martyn There is a drought in this world, causing death and destruction, fires rage, fields lay bare. Country against country, brother against brother. Despair fuelled wars rage across the globe. Children starving, dying from lack of medicine, War heroes reduced to dark solemn figures in doorways as the world passes the...